Where we came from and where we are going
Churches hand on tradition not by imitating or conserving what they have done before, but by sharing their experience with those who do not know it, and accepting the same gift from other Christians in return. |
In 1978 the Bishop and Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of California organized the Church of St Gregory Nyssen at San Francisco, honoring a fourth-century Greek theologian whose teaching has enriched eastern and western churches alike. Our charter charged us to continue liturgical development in the direction the new Book of Common Prayer had set out. We were to draw directly on the classical resources that inspired this Prayer Book —including Jewish and eastern Christian resources, newly emphasized in this version— for practices which would enhance congregational participation. And we were to build congregational music, dance, and other expressions beyond what settled parishes might readily attempt. Our goal was not a unique "experimental" or "eastern" liturgy, but a liturgy embodying an authentic Anglican approach, gaining from modern scholarship, open to new material, and yielding experience to serve the whole Church.
- Richard Fabian, Worship at St. Gregory's, 1988.
Our Founders