Listen to past Adult Forums. Click on the link and it will take you to a new page where you can listen.
Seven Things About St. Gregory's
Five sessions
The Cross and the Lynching Tree
Three sessions
- Francie Kendall - Part One
- Francie Kendall - Part Two (no recording)
- Francie Kendall - Part Three
The Spirituality of Resistance
Seven sessions
Spiritual Practice
Six sessions
- Spiritual Practice and Music: Composing Music for the Church
- Spiritual Practice and Discernment: The Call to be a Bishop
- Spiritual Practice and Action: Praying with Icons
- Spiritual Practice and Action: Waging Reconciliation
- Spiritual Practice and John’s Gospel: Theme One - Love
- Spiritual Practice and John’s Gospel: Theme Two - Cross
The Festival of John Mason Neale
One session:
Listening for God's call
Four sessions:
The Animals of the Dancing Saints
Four sessions:
- Animals of the Dancing Saints, part 1: The Tiger (no recording)
- Animals of the Dancing Saints, part 2: The Horse (no recording)
- Animals of the Dancing Saints, part 3: The Bear
- Animals of the Dancing Saints, Part 4: The Wolf
Paul Fromberg's Sabbatical
Three Sessions:
- Paul Fromberg's Sabbatical Pt 1 (9/22/2019)
- Paul Fromberg's Sabbatical Pt 2 (9/29/2019)
- Paul Fromberg's Sabbatical Pt 3 (10/13/2019) *Sabbatical Pt 3 references a number of artistic works, which can be viewed using the Sabbatical Pt 3 Companion Powerpoint (File type .pptx)
Signs of Life by Rick Fabian
A Prophetic Look at the Bay Area
Four Sessions 1/12/2020 - 2/16/2020:
- A Prophetic Look at the Bay Area, an Introduction by Paul Fromberg (01/12/20)
- A Prophetic Look at the Bay Area, Prophetic Imagination by Paul Fromberg (01/19/20)
- A Prophetic Look at the Bay Area, Faith in Action by Sara Miles (01/26/20)
- A Prophetic Look at the Bay Area, Models of Social Engagement & Housing by Susanna Singer (02/16/20)